Sunday, March 24, 2013

Importance of Water

Water is one of the most important elements in this world that is required by the human body to function properly, yet isn't treated with the respect it deserves. Although everyone knows the basics, that their body is comprised of water, they fail to understand the main reasons why water is so important. 

I will simplify this information for you right here so you can understand why it is important, and i will try my best to keep it as informative as i can, hopefully without boring you.

Drinking less water, is the main cause of many diseases and problems such as; water retention, headaches, inefficient blood circulation,kidney stones, it is one of the main reasons why people have headaches every morning, Indigestion, constipation, gastrointestinal problems, dizziness, unwanted bodily stress, and many more.

Water is necessary for the body to work efficiently. Now when there is scarcity of water the body’s natural response is to store water, this in effect causes water retention in many people. Another important fact is that water regulates blood supply in the body, by keeping blood in a state that is easy to transport in the body,when there is less water, the blood will thicken and lead to less efficient transportation of nutrients throughout the body, what happens now ? all your expensive supplements or medications don't travel to the necessary part and therefore pose ineffective. Not only wasting money but harming your health and leading you to an inefficiently functioning body.

You don’t need count your glasses of water with a stressful mind, keeping track of how much you drink, just ensure that you have adequate water around you and keep sipping it throughout the day as much as you can, if you feel hungry suddenly instead of snacking right of the bat, give your body a glass of fresh and clean water, and notice the difference. 

Also please take note that drinks, such as coffee, tea, juices and other related BEVERAGES are not considered water.

Try to ensure an adequate hydration rate and you will feel the positive effects on your health right away, always make sure you have a bottle of water in your car, your room, your office or where ever you feel it would be convenient for you, this is keep you on track without getting lazy about drinking water, and trust me by just having a regular and adequate water intake you can do a lot more for your health then you might think is possible.

I really hope that the information listed above herein, will help you stay well hydrated, if you should have any questions relating to this article or wish to know more, please do not hesitate to contact me, and Thank you very much for taking the time to read my article.

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