Thursday, March 21, 2013

About me

Hey folks,

Thank you very much ! for visiting my blog and reading up the listed information, i am grateful to you for your attention towards my services offered.

I have been in the fitness industry actively since i was 13 years old, i started out as an amateur squash player and played for nearly a year before i developed the enthusiasm for fitness as a whole and wanted to venture ever deeper into this realm of life.

I was a very scrawny and weak kid, with no enthusiasm for any sports or athleticism of any sort. I had a sudden realization when i turned 13 being mocked by so many people, I gotta say being called a weakling wasn’t fun, although i started out to prove everyone wrong i developed a keen interest in fitness and how it operates and i started picking up boxing, weight training, gymnastics, extreme calisthenics, hiking etc. I went on to half marathons and tried to test my limits. I had this vision of looking great but feeling great at the same time, i never settled for any strict or fad diets of any kind that would limit my love for food as that means i am giving up on my passion for good food, i don't mean to say i pigged out like a mad person, but i learned how to balance nutrition and exercise with my daily routine.

I fell so in love with fitness that i decided to take up a course and i got myself certified by the I.S.S.A ( International Sports Science Association), I then matched my years of experience and passion with a scientific background to complete myself as a trainer, and i am glad to inform you that I.S.S.A trainers are well recognized worldwide, you may visit their website listed herein to measure my credentials

I am here to share my services because i am passionate about fitness and good health, i am not going to tell you sweet success stories and convince you to train with me, but i will offer you a first free training session to evaluate me as a trainer yourself, for if you aren't comfortable with my services i have no reason to waste your time.

Please feel free to contact me at anytime, i wish to provide you with the best service i possibly can, and wishing you all the best in your quest for obtaining optimal health and fitness !

Your Fitness Ally,


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