Sunday, March 24, 2013

Importance of Water

Water is one of the most important elements in this world that is required by the human body to function properly, yet isn't treated with the respect it deserves. Although everyone knows the basics, that their body is comprised of water, they fail to understand the main reasons why water is so important. 

I will simplify this information for you right here so you can understand why it is important, and i will try my best to keep it as informative as i can, hopefully without boring you.

Drinking less water, is the main cause of many diseases and problems such as; water retention, headaches, inefficient blood circulation,kidney stones, it is one of the main reasons why people have headaches every morning, Indigestion, constipation, gastrointestinal problems, dizziness, unwanted bodily stress, and many more.

Water is necessary for the body to work efficiently. Now when there is scarcity of water the body’s natural response is to store water, this in effect causes water retention in many people. Another important fact is that water regulates blood supply in the body, by keeping blood in a state that is easy to transport in the body,when there is less water, the blood will thicken and lead to less efficient transportation of nutrients throughout the body, what happens now ? all your expensive supplements or medications don't travel to the necessary part and therefore pose ineffective. Not only wasting money but harming your health and leading you to an inefficiently functioning body.

You don’t need count your glasses of water with a stressful mind, keeping track of how much you drink, just ensure that you have adequate water around you and keep sipping it throughout the day as much as you can, if you feel hungry suddenly instead of snacking right of the bat, give your body a glass of fresh and clean water, and notice the difference. 

Also please take note that drinks, such as coffee, tea, juices and other related BEVERAGES are not considered water.

Try to ensure an adequate hydration rate and you will feel the positive effects on your health right away, always make sure you have a bottle of water in your car, your room, your office or where ever you feel it would be convenient for you, this is keep you on track without getting lazy about drinking water, and trust me by just having a regular and adequate water intake you can do a lot more for your health then you might think is possible.

I really hope that the information listed above herein, will help you stay well hydrated, if you should have any questions relating to this article or wish to know more, please do not hesitate to contact me, and Thank you very much for taking the time to read my article.

Friday, March 22, 2013

What is Fitness exactly ?

Well fitness is just a state of well being where ones physical health is at harmony and not in peril or state of disease. Now most of the time when people think about fitness the main things that would come to mind are; ooh can i do it? ah its not for me.. um wait a minute ill just eat less and ill be slim. aah man i need time to do that and i have more things to do.. fitness is for free people, i dont need to be fit. oh no those trainers are going to do more damage then good, then medical bills oh no !.. am i going to get conned ? is this guy really educated enough and experienced enough to help me ?.

Now all these questions and statements are normal to occur in your mind when you think of fitness, and there is no reason to get disappointed or angry, fitness is something each and every one of us has at a certain time in life and due to an unbalanced lifestyle we lose it. The good news is, that it isn't that difficult to accomplish. But the reason why most people fail is because they start off without a clear vision or goal setting, and they place vague goals without clearly understanding and believing in what they want.

This causes mental conflict amongst their own minds and they constantly are battling themselves to believe what they have stated, let me tell you this is a recipe of failure. 

Getting fit requires simply; a well developed training plan with precise calibration and understanding of ones body, ability to believe in goals set forth and commitment. Training plans can be developed in many forms and are easy to design according to different lifestyles with of course certain variables to consider. I am not saying you can magically get fit, what I'm saying is you need to take a step and consider the truth behind real fitness rather then going on fad diets and unbelievable promotions that promise non-scientifically based plans.

Training goals should be believable and not vague ideas thrown into the sky, once a goal is set there has to be a plan designed to face it and most people cant face this reality, so it is important to set realistic goals.

As far as the word diet goes, it is really misunderstood by so many people. The word diet simply means a well balanced meal. It does not in any language mean to starve and sacrifice your wellbeing. Starving is not the act of those who intend on getting fit, the body requires nutrients and nourishment for its general well being, and to those who ram on to fad diets cause more damage then they realize without understanding their bodies.

I am not here to tell you i am the best trainer out there and if you follow my program you will be most profitable in terms of acquiring your desired level of fitness and health. But i am just advising you to try and understand the variables required in really achieving fitness safely and properly.

I am sure there is a lot of really good trainers out there who can help you achieve your fitness goals, and so you should follow the advise of any with whom you feel most comfortable.

Fitness is a lifestyle not a short term crash course that will lead you to perfect and harmonious health.

There is no perfect training plan or the holy grail to getting fit, it is simple and fun depending on how you look at it or are made aware about it. Training and getting fit should not be a chore that requires you to force upon yourself any thoughts to overpower your negative desires. If you really want something you need not to create intense desire for it, as that will be your most focused thought. So get aware of what you really want, don't go into any form of training until you are comfortable with what you are doing, if you don't enjoy your current training plan stop hang back and wonder why isn't it fun. Remember your training plan is meant to suit you not anyone else who is enforcing it upon you. So pay attention to it, ask questions and until you feel comfortable with it don't try to force it upon yourself, otherwise it will explode badly on you, leaving you dissatisfied and unhappy.

Thank you for visiting my blog, and reading this article; of course i wrote this to share with you the reality of fitness that is manipulated by many. However not everyone needs the same approach, and not everyone needs to go to gyms, health clubs, purchase all kinds of supplements etc.

What you need is proper guidance, i am an ISSA certified fitness trainer, and i love staying fit and healthy. Personally i enjoy a wonderful life where i get to eat and enjoy all kinds of foods and do exercises that i enjoy doing without setting hours of my day to train or working on really tough nutrition plans, after all isn't life meant to be fun ?.. be happy and merry whilst having nothing less then excellent health and fitness levels just like we would have in any other aspect of our life.

Getting fit is to simply acquire a state of health that would be all natural and harmonious with your lifestyle or desire, whilst casting aside negative thoughts and living life through its fullest.

So make a promise to yourself to treat yourself with only love and respect, you might be thinking i am contradicting myself but i am not, feel free to contact me for any queries you might have and i will shed light upon that subject!

Love yourself and you will see and notice how your existing habits of all sorts will change if they are in any negative form. Wish you a blessed and joyful life, with only abundance in every aspect.

Thank you so much for visiting my page and reading my article, i am forever grateful to you for your attention and interest, and i do hope it is able to help you in someway to achieve your desire of getting fit.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Per session will be calculated at 180.00 - 200.00 RM/= Rates may vary due to distances and travel expenses based on clients requested destinations.

A monthly package of 8 sessions @ 180.00 RM per session is available at 1440.00 RM/= per month. For the packages, payment is to be made at the beginning of every training month.

For a training package with more then 10 sessions per month, per session will be calculated between 150-180 RM/= 

Example: A package of 12 sessions will be based on 150 x 12 = 1800 RM per month.

A Training plan and nutritional guideline will be included in the training program and there will be no added charge for this service. Clients are able to seek advice anytime via phone call or text message, without any hesitation there will be no limit to this service. 

Session Booking times are available from 6 am - 8 pm, Monday to Sunday ( sessions will be subject to availability )

If you do have any queries, please feel free to reach me at anytime at the following details:

Phone : 018-2304008

About me

Hey folks,

Thank you very much ! for visiting my blog and reading up the listed information, i am grateful to you for your attention towards my services offered.

I have been in the fitness industry actively since i was 13 years old, i started out as an amateur squash player and played for nearly a year before i developed the enthusiasm for fitness as a whole and wanted to venture ever deeper into this realm of life.

I was a very scrawny and weak kid, with no enthusiasm for any sports or athleticism of any sort. I had a sudden realization when i turned 13 being mocked by so many people, I gotta say being called a weakling wasn’t fun, although i started out to prove everyone wrong i developed a keen interest in fitness and how it operates and i started picking up boxing, weight training, gymnastics, extreme calisthenics, hiking etc. I went on to half marathons and tried to test my limits. I had this vision of looking great but feeling great at the same time, i never settled for any strict or fad diets of any kind that would limit my love for food as that means i am giving up on my passion for good food, i don't mean to say i pigged out like a mad person, but i learned how to balance nutrition and exercise with my daily routine.

I fell so in love with fitness that i decided to take up a course and i got myself certified by the I.S.S.A ( International Sports Science Association), I then matched my years of experience and passion with a scientific background to complete myself as a trainer, and i am glad to inform you that I.S.S.A trainers are well recognized worldwide, you may visit their website listed herein to measure my credentials

I am here to share my services because i am passionate about fitness and good health, i am not going to tell you sweet success stories and convince you to train with me, but i will offer you a first free training session to evaluate me as a trainer yourself, for if you aren't comfortable with my services i have no reason to waste your time.

Please feel free to contact me at anytime, i wish to provide you with the best service i possibly can, and wishing you all the best in your quest for obtaining optimal health and fitness !

Your Fitness Ally,
